Tuesday, June 17, 2014

A Year Ago Today.

A year ago today I woke up completely stressed out.  I mean, over the moon, wanting to sob, feeling panicky stressed out.

For several reasons.
1. This was the day I was leaving to go to Europe for 17 days.
2. Without my parents.
3. I was also flying by myself for the first time.
4. I wouldn't see my sister until August.
5. 17 days is a really long time.
6.  That's about it.

But, I managed everything.  I flew by myself, met up with my aunts, uncle, cousin, + cousin's friend just fine.  And then I was off to Europe for 17 days.  What???

Anyway, I learned a lot on that trip.  I learned that I was a capable traveler and I would be ok.  I learned how absolutely amazing the world is.  Seriously, could it be any better?  I fell in love with food all over again.  I drank in the culture and obsessed over the sights to see.

I don't want to get to poetic or annoying.  (You know, one of those people that define themselves simply by the fact they went to Europe.)  But, I do want to commemorate. June 17th is a pretty good day to remember.

xo. Elise

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