Saturday, October 18, 2014

Home Again

This is the first weekend I've been home, and wow, it's kind of weird.  Weird because everything looks the same, yet I feel like I've been gone ten years.  Weird because it feels like I only left yesterday.  Weird because I don't live here anymore, yet I lived here.

I've realized how absolutely beautiful my hometown is.  I also realized how small it is.  Provo is by no means a big city, but it definitely isn't rural.  Fall is so much more in your face here, and I kind of love it.

I pulled into the driveway and walked right into hugs.  We rushed off to dinner, and I couldn't stop talking.  So much to talk about!

And I really did see myself.  I was rushing down the stairs, like I did a million times before, and I bumped right into myself all over again.  My room used to be empty, but now it looks just as messy as it always did.

Things change...people change.  But it's ok because I'm lucky enough I have two great places to call home.

We went on a hike today, and wow, it was so beautiful.  I ran my old running route, and wow, I remember why I hate it.  I ate the famous Clark pizza, and wow, I remember why it is so good.

It's good to live the life I do.  I am blessed beyond measure. 

xo. Elise 

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