Sunday, October 5, 2014

Monkey Bread

This weekend has been rough.  It's General Conference, a weekend full of little traditions and nuances that make you miss home a lot.  BYU played USU this weekend, and they lost!  Who loses to USU? Anyway, this whole weekend has been one whole nostalgic, annoying weekend with a faint "Go Aggies" still echoing in my head.

Today I was feeling particularly sad.  Ugh.  This morning was hard.  I was missing my family so much, and as it says in You've Got Mail, "I missed [my family] so much that I almost couldn't stand it."

But I made monkey bread today.

Monkey bread (n.): refrigerator biscuits, butter, and sugar all warmed together and baked.  Has the power to assuage all homesick feelings someone may have.

Since the first bite, all of my homesickness went away.  I'm not kidding!  It was so weird.  My mom used to make it for General Conference, but she hasn't made it for a few years.  She makes cinnamon rolls now, but monkey bread still reminds me of home.

So I'm good now.  The monkey bread is all gone, but so is most of my homesickness.

Enjoy the stellar quality food photography.

xo. Elise

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