Saturday, October 11, 2014


I’ve waxed poetic about my love for Park City before.  We used to go every fall break and enjoy the leaves, family pictures, and good food.  This year, I don’t have fall break (which sometimes feels all sorts of devastating).  As I’m typing this though, I’m in my own Park City.

I escaped campus, and not just for a grocery-shopping jaunt.  I sit here in Provo Canyon, amazed at the colors.  The little park I escaped to is similar to Park City—well-maintained, beautiful stonework.  It has an overabundance of little boys shouting, “Hey Trish, come look at this spider” and a darling old couple picnicking on the grass.  And it has a table for one college student, full from Café Rio with a peppermint lingering on her breath.  I’m wearing my new cute coat and an atrocious combo of black jeans, royal blue socks, and old running shoes. 

Yet, I beautifully couldn’t care less. 

Because I have philosophy to study and all of the time in the world to do it. 

Really, scroll through all of the pictures.  I promise it will be worth it. 

Funny story about this. ^^^^ The new iPhone update has a timer on it, perfect for selfies.  I brilliantly decided to test it out on my little hike.  It definitely would have turned out better if the phone wasn't on ground level, but whatevs. I was quite pleased with myself for figuring it out and having it work. 

Until I was walking aback and saw an occupied camp ground RIGHT IN BEHIND WHERE I WAS TALKING EMBARRASSING PICTURES.  Oh, how I wish I was kidding.  But no, literally faced the camp the whole time I was doing dumb poses, trying to get a decent picture.  

Sigh.  The life I lead. 

xo. Elise 

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