Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Today I accidentally turned off my alarm, so instead of getting up and going to the gym, I got an extra hour of sleep.  We can have a vote on what was most beneficial to my health.

On a plus side, what would have been traumatic in high school (read: Elise didn't get up in time and was late for school), was simply, oh darn, guess I'm not exercising today.  Isn't that funny?  My mornings are so much more relaxing since I only have afternoon class.  Although, today is so gorgeous, I'm tempted to run later tonight.

Anyway, the whole point of this little writing excerpt is that I'm feeling restless.  Yesterday I was so excited to be a college student and it feels so good to be in this point in my life.  And then I have moments when I recognize that I am going to be going to school for a really loooooonnnnnnngggggg time and I get annoyed all over again.  It's like that time of year when you realize just how monotonous everyday life is and how painful it can sometimes be.  You have a what seems like a permanent headache, and you feel shallow because all you really want to do is wear all of your cute sweaters, but it's too hot to wear them.  (Told you: shallow!)  Campus really was beautiful today, yet all you can think of is how much you don't want to do any homework.

So yes, some days are painful.   Painful for no other reasons besides being long and drawn out and the same.  

Saving grace of the day?  Those chocolate cookies in the kitchen.

xo. Elise

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