Monday, October 6, 2014


First, sometimes I think about where my family is and it's really weird to think that my sister is Washington D.C. right now, my parents are at home, and I am here.  Weird, isn't it?  We really are reaching a point in our family where life is starting to spread out.  It's also funny because it doesn't seem like most of my friends have to experience this.  They usually have younger siblings or older siblings still living at home.  But hey, it's pretty cool that I get to go through this with the people I am. 

Second, I wish I could say that it isn't true, but eating really is one of the best parts of my day.  I look forward to it, and I am getting pretty good at this whole cooking thing.  Ok, that last part may be a lie, but we're working on it. 

Third, I don't wax poetic about going to BYU very often, but sometimes it really is a neat school.  I was feeling a little down this morning.  I just came off of what was supposed to be a really spiritually inspiring weekend.  I prayed harder for inspiration and was expecting some grand revelation of comfort.  I didn't really get any.  I've been experiencing so much change lately and everything is new. It's easy to get in mindset of feeling ignored by God.  I've been so blessed lately with so many tender mercies and a lot of comfort, but when I'm tired and lonely it's easy to forget.  I was feeling that way this morning. These downward cycles have happened before, and I always think about the song, Live Like You Believe.  Sometimes that's really all you can do, is just believe in it until you get further confirmation.  Today I want to Biology, expecting a lecture about the reproduction of sex cells and meiosis.  Instead, my professor asked the students their favorite part of conference and proceeded to bear his testimony for the first half of class.  While some may scoff at how it's corny to talk about spiritual things, or such a "BYU thing."  I confess to using that phrase sometimes myself in regards to the weird campus rituals.  But today I needed it. The professor talked about how things work out.  And how God has a plan.  And if you are questioning your testimony, don't.  Don't forget that God loves you.  And remember the worst thing that could happen to you would be to live your life correctly and be exalted.  And today, I needed to hear that.  

Happy Monday, everyone.  Let's get through this week. 

xo. Elise 

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