Sunday, December 21, 2014


As I've gotten older, birthdays don't consist of cupcakes at school or birthday parties with party favors and twelve kids running wild.

I've learned that birthdays are a celebration, and I haven't felt so loved in such a long time.  I love seeing so many friendly faces and kind people in my life that show their love for me.  I usually don't feel like I deserve their kindness or their love, but I am so grateful that they show it to me anyway!

To my mom:  The only reason why I am here is because of your sacrifice.  Thank you for sacrificing yourself to be my mom.  I am grateful for you on a daily basis, and literally step back in awe that this amazing woman is my mother.  I don't know what I did to be blessed with you in my life, but I am grateful for your support.  You are there when I call.  You reassure me when I'm bawling.  You laugh with me when I'm giggling.  You put forth extra effort to make sure I feel loved.

To my dad:  You have worked so hard to make sure that I am provided for.  I am insanely blessed, and a lot of it is because of your sacrifice for our family.  You have consciously thought about what you want to teach me and how you want to father me.  I am incredibly, incredibly, incredibly blessed to have you as my dad.  Thank you for teaching me what I need to know and pushing me because you have faith in me.  You have always treated me with respect, and you have (sometimes I feel undeserved) crazy amount of faith in me.  Thank you.

To my sister: You are truly one of my greatest blessings.  You text me when you're bored.  You read my texts when I'm bored.  You pick up the phone when I call.  You write me the kindest notes and give me the sweetest gifts.  You are there for me in a way that very very very few people have been.  You mother me and take care of me and you're sensitive to my needs.  You are my example and the blueprint creator.  Thank you for always being there.  I don't know what I would do without you.

No one else actually reads this blog, but thank you to everyone who has cared about me.  I am so blessed to have had nineteen years on this extraordinary globe.  I am grateful for the interactions I've had, people I've met, trials I've endured, successes I've been blessed with.  My heart is so full of gratitude and love.  And this perfect day started this morning when I opened my eyes to a world of pink.

xo. Elise

Picture of a newly minted 19 year old.  It's going to be a great year you guys.  I can just feel it.  

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