Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Definition of Happiness

I was thinking about how last January, my life was completely different.  I was a high school senior, which seems so young now (hehe what a brat I am...you know, the college freshman who acts like she's so much older than everyone).  And now, I am a college freshman, with one whole semester of college under her belt.  Wow, that is what I call experienced.

Last year I did a whole year recap, which just sounds semi-exhausting, but I realized that I've lived through a lot of different definitions of happiness this year.  Part of me is just really surprised about how I was so happy in so many different situations in my life.  I feel like I've been such a different person this year, pendulums are real people.

Some definitions of happiness from this break:

Happiness is eating ten bowls of Grandma's homemade potato soup, stuff yourself silly with Eegees, and dye your tongue with the strawberry flavor, wearing bunchy bunch pants, with the heater on.

I'm sitting her with crispy cheeks that radiate the heat of today, reading a book of prose bout food and community, in a silent hotel room with my family lounging around, sandwiched between a soft mattress and a comforting comforter, too many Reese's minis in my belly, and a good dinner in my near future.

Some definitions from my semester of college:
Staying up way too late for class the next morning, talking and laughing with your roommate.  You analyze the boys in your life and laugh at your mutual ridiculousness.  You feel completely happy as you look around you room, with the giraffe and beautiful bedspread.

Walking down the sidewalk, on the way to the Creamery.  You gossip about the day's events, it's a random Tuesday and not really a special occasion.  You discuss the flavors that you're going to get and giggle helplessly at the Snapchats that inevitably happen.

You are walking back from you classes, right in front of the JFSB.  The sun is just barely setting so the whole square looks pink in reflection.  The mountains are sharp and dramatic in the distance.  Your light jacket is perfect for the October evening and philosophy class is done for the week.  You have text messages to reply to and a plan for dinner.

Some definitions from my senior year of high school:
You rush from class to class, turning in assignment after assignment.  You engage in interesting discussions, and you take a moment to ponder the things you've learned.  You feel overwhelmed with everything that needs to get done, yet things seem to work out.  You stand at the front of the classroom, enjoying the feeling of control.

You flit from one group to another, laughing and talking, but mostly feeling happy that you belong.  You have people who want to talk to you and you have people that make you laugh.  There are so many people who you try to be there for, and you finally feel like people are there for you.

You hear the news in the most exhilarating rush of emotion you've had in a while.  You grin through your tears and you feel the weight melt off.  You look heavenward and give your thanks as you receive the bone-crushing hugs and congratulations.  You can't stop smiling and you feel content with the work that was accomplished.

I've felt happy almost all year, and I'm just grateful to have had so many different experiences.

xo. Elise

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