Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Today was a day that I asked for a miracle.  A miracle that would solve my problems and leave me with a really great story to share with others about the goodness of God.

I didn't get a miracle today.  My parking situation wasn't magically fixed.  My throat still hurts.  I'm exhausted.  Homework is continuous.  I feel like there are so many things balancing my schedule right now, and I don't know if I want to do it anymore.

I don't have some awe-inspiring story to tell.  It's just a bunch of tender mercies that told me that God is in fact listening and is making my life ok, even if it wasn't miraculous in the way that I wanted.

1. My mom picked up the phone when I was worried about housing.
2. My sister asked if I was ok, even though I hadn't told her that I wasn't.
3. I was able to change meeting times with my peer mentor.
4. I got my cleaning check done.
5. The projector didn't work in my geology class so we got out early.
6. Meaning I had enough time to go to the rental place offices.
7. I got a 100% on my accounting quiz.
8. I don't feel nauseous anymore, just sore throaty.
9. My friend texted me and asked if I was ok.
10. The 'master planning' meeting went just fine.

Some may look at that list and tell me how many miracles God performed for me today.  Instead, I like looking at that list and seeing how many mercies God sent to me, not miracles.  He doesn't always save us in the middle of the storm and whisk us to dry land.  Sometimes He just calms the storm enough for you to catch your breath.

xo. Elise

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