Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Short Hair, Kind of Care

Just so Mom and Dad are warned, my hair is short.  Shorter than it's probably been in years.  Probably since 6th grade.  And it's been throwing me off, kind of a lot.  Short hair whhaaaaatt? 

I know that this picture probably isn't the best representation to show the length, but a selfie is as good as it's going to get.  

I've realized that it's just one more part of my identity that has kind of disappeared at college, which I guess is ok. Hair can grow back. (Right????) 

This week has been decently hard.  And it's only Tuesday. Woowwwww.  I am so glad that I'm going home this weekend.  I'm glad to get out of these four walls of my dorm and campus.  

I had something deeper to say.  But I can't remember.  Homework does that to you.  

But I'm noticing the little things because that's what is making me get through today. 
-Pandora killed it today.  Seriously, as dumb as it sounds, I feel like that was how Heavenly Father showed that He cared about me.  I had two songs come on today that was just so perfect.  
-I made a small-batch of chocolate, chocolate-chip cookies.  They made four cookies, and it was perfect.  They were really good. 
-I got a hundred percent on my humanities quiz.  A five question quiz.  That I could have taken twice.   But still! 
-I said no today to something that I could have done.  But I said no.  And that was slightly liberating. 
-I made a panini with sautéed onions, cheese, and raspberry chipotle sauce (thanks Dad!).  And it was so good. 

Anyway, my hair is shorter than I like.  Sooooo many things are bugging me.  Like, a lot.  I also feel like my writing has been blocked lately, which is really frustrating to me.  Really frustrating to me.  So I'm grateful I could write this at all and feel like it's my voice.   

But it's ok because we are searching for goodness, right? 

xo. Elise 

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