Thursday, February 5, 2015


Making: mixed greens, homemade balsamic vinaigrette, goat cheese, and cherry tomato salad.
Cooking: s'moreo bars this weekend.  Whatever those are.
Drinking: water and not enough milk, the usual.
Reading: Ally Carter's books for the millionth time (and yet still so good).
Wanting: three Target exclusive singles from T-Swifts 1989 album.
Looking: for an apartment.  Free cookie, crepe, and milk screaming 'we want your business.'
Playing: All You Had To Do Was T-Swift, obv.
Wasting: time by writing.
Wishing: time would slow down and stop.
Enjoying: the people in my life.  Thank you.
Waiting: for dates for my summer internship.
Liking: my room decorations.  Picture frame gallery=worth it.
Wondering: when I can go hiking next.
Loving: the spring weather in February.
Hoping: it stays until June.
Marveling: at God's plan for me.
Needing: about 4 more hours per day.  K, thanks.
Smelling: wild honeysuckle lotion (discontinued by Bath and Body Works).
Wearing: high-waisted, black skinny jeans.  Always.
Following: where my fears/dreams lead me.
Noticing: the sky so blue I want to cry.
Knowing: this is a time to cherish and breathe through.
Thinking: strawberries should permanently be on sale so they are a daily occurrence.
Feeling: tired in that spot behind my eyes.
Bookmarking: chocolate chip recipes.  I want to find the one.
Opening: textbook after textbook.
Giggling: during late night talks that occur more than
Feeling: ok.  And that's enough.

xo. Elise

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