Saturday, April 18, 2015

Finals 3&4

The first of my roommates just left.  About 20 minutes ago.  And wow, that's a sobering thought.  I know that this week would be hard, and I was expecting it.  But I didn't expect to feel this uneasy and shocked.

I officially only have one final left.  That's it.  It's my hardest one, so it's going to require studying for three days straight.  Everything is slowly wafting down and coming to a close.

It's terrifying, but still really really good.

Last night my friends and I went to the Cannon Center because Alesha hadn't been this year.  It was pure bliss to not cook anything yesterday or have to do dishes.  Seriously, a burger never tasted so good.  Also, the frozen yogurt was some of the best I've had.  Ever.

Anyway, I am done with 5/6 of my finals.  And things are working out.  I'm feeling settled, but still sad.  There is that tendril inside of me that keeps reminding me that this is it.  This is my last Saturday, here, in this bedroom.  And wow, it's all sorts of crazy to think that.
It's embarrassing how many plates we had + how long it took us to get the self-timer right.  

We were walking home, and wow, the lighting was perfect.  This year has been so beautiful.  

A selfie to prove that yes, I am surviving.  Not exactly getting ready, but details. 

To be completely honest, I am not loving this stage right now. I don't love finals.  I don't love saying goodbye.  I don't love leaving.  The only thing that is making it semi ok is Park City next week.  But this week is still going to be hard.  And Monday, so help me, is going to be awful.  

Cheers for almost being done with finals.  2 Timothy 1:7 is my mantra, and I've been writing it on my scratch paper for every test. 

xo. Elise 

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