Tuesday, April 14, 2015

I've Learned: Part II

I just finished my last class for my freshman year, and of course, I feel like crying.  Last time I wrote this, April 14th seemed forever away.  I had a whole other semester to live through, and I was so excited.  I honestly didn't understand how my life could get any better than it was right then, and a small part of me was scared that it wouldn't.

This semester was so much harder than first semester in so many ways.  My classes were hard.  I struggled with the winter, even if it wasn't that cold.  I felt lonely a lot of the time, and I am still working on my relationship with God and attempting to understand a better of His plan.

Even through all of those hard things, I've seen so many miracles, that I am happy to say that yes, I am happier than I was even last semester.

I've learned you can say goodbye to a house and survive.  I've learned cutting what seems like ten inches of your hair isn't a disaster, it will grow back.  I've learned concerts mean a lot of standing time.  I've learned you don't always have to be everyone's best friend, and that's ok.  I've learned to stop analyzing in depth so many insignificant things (aka boys).  I've learned peanut butter goes with everything, seriously, everything.  I've learned that hand washing dishes gets old after about six months and your standards for a dishwasher go significantly down at that point.  I've learned that having really good friends can cover so many gaps in your life.  I've finally learned how on earth to use the water bottle filling stations on campus (hint: they are motion detectors).  I've learned how to be a program director--ha, ok not really learned, but I definitely attempted.  I've learned how to curl my hair the other direction.  I've learned that yogurt is one of my favorite foods.  I've learned that 2:30 should really just be a good maximum bed time.  The fun decreases exponentially after that, even if you're still laughing.  I've learned you don't need as much jewelry to make an outfit complete and sometimes comfortable shoes are really the way you should go.  I've learned to not buy ice cream at the store anymore (Creamery runs don't count).  I've learned that almost every single dessert is better frozen--carrot cake, cheesecake, cookie dough, even brownies.  I've learned to go to reviews and do to the practice quiz before the actual quiz (mind-blowing, I know).  I've learned to just go, even when you're scared. Going will be infinitely better than not.  I've learned exactly what to expect from every banquet from BYU in the future.  I've learned to run, even when I don't want to.  I've learned that I am not much of a moderator, but I can be an abstainer.  I've learned to cook food, just cook--always adding more heat and more flavor.  I've learned that writing is good therapy, but sometimes it is exhausting.  I've learned you don't always need to feel something every time you think you should.  I've learned to step up and say something.  I've learned how to comfort and be there for people, and I've learned how to receive comfort.  I'm learning how to ignore those voices that haunt me, trying to place their expectations on me.  I've learned the weekend plans of window shopping and looking for a place for dessert is perfect.  I've learned to say no and say yes.  I've finally learned how to grocery shop a little bit better, and I've learned how to organize every little thing in my dorm room.  I've learned how to use my calendar.  I've learned to 'SSGM' (save, send, group message).  I've learned to sing loud and find good music, and dance when it is good.  I've learned to be patient with myself, others, and timing.  I've how to sign a housing contract and how to really register for classes.

I might to do another one of these, since things keep coming to mind, but this is good for now.

And I am feeling grateful for right now.  Even though it's ending and even though I have finals.

I am grateful.

xo. Elise
First day of school picture!

(almost) Last day of school picture!

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