Thursday, April 30, 2015

Moping Session: Check

I have the happy news that my moping session is officially done.  My parents and sister are probably very relieved to hear that I am done moping around, being bored.

This week has been frustrating, relieving, exciting, scary, exhausting, strange, and freeing.  I haven't done much, and that's been kind of annoying.

But I'm starting to think about what I want to do with this time.  I am trying to decide how I want to use my time to do a better job of achieving my goals.  I have a month before people are counting on me again.  So I'm going to enjoy the chance to finish up what I wanted to do all year but didn't have time.  And yes, some of those things included not running, making cookies, and lazing around with absolutely nothing to do--exactly like I have this week.

So here is to a new day.  Maybe I will visit the botanical gardens (actually, that's probably a yes).  Maybe I will run more (ok, that's a yes too).  Maybe I will write the next great American novel.  Maybe I will learn more about photography.  Maybe I will make a goal to bake a different batch of cookies every week.  Maybe I will try every ice cream place in town.  Maybe I will drive to Salt Lake and go shopping all day.  Maybe I will drive and visit every National Park in Utah.  Maybe I really will buy a mountain bike.  Maybe I will hike every trail in the nearest 25 miles.  Maybe I will fly to California, New York, and Canada just for the fun of it.  (Ok, the last five are probably a no).

But I have a month, starting tomorrow, to do whatever I want.

So maybe I'll find a hobby or two.

xo. Elise

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