Monday, April 27, 2015

Year One: Check

Life is a tad surreal right now.  I am moved back home, but not to my old house.  Boxes are everywhere, and I am trying to remember how I packed everything and where everything is.  I still text my friends, slightly expecting to go back to college soon.  I just realized that it's not going to happen.  I really did say goodbye to that dorm room and all of my roommates.  And all of the things.  

Mostly feeling grateful for the people and experiences I have.  I'm at that point where I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing or how the next few months are going to end up, but I keep reminding myself that it is going to turn out just fine.  

This last week has been a whirlwind, so here is a recap: 

Made it through my freshman year!  Wahoo!!

Free bowling.   I don't even like bowling and it was a blast.  

Some pictures form our dorm room.  Never thought when i moved in I would love it or feel at home, but I did! 

Last OG run.  Oh my word, Earnestly Chocolate and Peanut Butter Cup do it every time.  

March 13th is officially our traveling dinner night.  (And yes, we literally said, wow, that's a beautiful tree, we should take a picture by it.  We attempted a self-timer for a bit, but decided to just ask someone.  And yes, Hannah changed so we would be more coordinating).  

Hashtag fries with my hashtag girls.  

Last self-timer in Alesha' dorm room! Around 1:30 in the morning.  

Anne graduated!  Crazy. 

Look how cute she is?  

I don't want to boast, but this is probably one of my favorite pictures I've taken of Anne.  I love it.  

Cheers to an exciting summer!  

xo. Elise 

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