Monday, July 6, 2015

When We Were Little

When Anne and I were little, we were each other's best friends.  We played all day and rotated between Barbies, pioneers, boarding school, and off-roading in our Barbie jeep.  There weren't very many kids in our neighborhoods, and playdates were only so often.   So we played together.

Fast forward 15 years, and we are in the same situation.  We have playdates every so often with other people, but we are each other's number one friend these days.  And it's a lot of fun.

This weekend was no different, and we had the best time.  We went to the lake, had our own barbecue (bratwursts, onion rings, watermelon, corn on the cob, and homemade vanilla ice cream), went shopping in Park City, watched some of our favorite movies, went hiking, and went to one of my favorite Mexican restaurants.

It was a great 4th of July.  Isn't it just the best holiday?

We ended the weekend with a late Father's Day dinner for our dad, complete with only two freak outs.  Anne exclaimed she didn't want to finish the potatoes so at least they couldn't be messed up, and I stormed out of the kitchen exclaiming that I hated the cake, the oven, and everything else.  Two meltdowns isn't too bad. :)

xo. Elise

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