Monday, August 17, 2015

About Abraham

Last year I took a philosophy class, full of readings that were constant and class discussions that were long.  One of my favorite reading assignments was about the education of Abraham, in the Old Testament.  It was fascinating to read the story through the eyes of education.  And as my mom always quotes, Abraham had something to learn about Abraham.

Last night, as I couldn't sleep, I thought about how this summer was where Elise had to learn something about Elise.

I don't know if I need to elaborate on that because I'm not sure what else I would say.  But I have learned a lot and it has been a very educational summer.  I'm grateful for the time I got to spend with my parents.  During my freshman year, I never thought that I would get to experience living with them again, and I'm grateful I did.  I'm grateful for the time I spent with Anne, the most time we've spent together in four years.  I'm grateful for the weekends I was home alone, and the time to just think and overcome my fear of an empty house.  Im grateful for the chance to read all of the books I missed, and read enough L.M. Montgomery to be able to predict the story line in her short stories.  I'm grateful for the countless emails I wrote and the journal entries which lengthened in proportion to my thoughts that needed sorting.  I'm grateful for the food I made and ate this summer, and I'm grateful for the hikes I've gone on.  

And I'm grateful for the chance to become reacquainted with Elise because Heaven knows how much I actually needed this time.

xo. Elise

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