Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Last night, 5 percent of me wanted to go to the Testing Center at 8:30 p.m. and take my finance test.  Just ignore the fact that it's supposed to take me three hours (Testing Center closes at ten), and that I hadn't really studied.

The thought of just getting it over was enticing (and still is to be honest).

But that would be a disservice to myself.  Definitely not to my present self.  Current Elise would love that.  But past Elise would be annoyed that she had spent those long hours studying for midterms if I was just going to blow off the final.

Future Elise would be beyond annoyed that I was lazy and didn't try my best.  Future Elise wouldn't want to have to face herself, remembering her commitment to do her best in that class.

And I'm mostly writing this all out so I can remember that commitment.  And so I can do my best.  And so I can put forth some effort.  Because tomorrow it will be done and I will be free.  Tomorrow seems like the longest time away, but 24 hours is ok.  I can do 24 hours.



xo. Elise

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