Monday, December 14, 2015

Finals Week Status Report

Hello, hello!  It is finally finals week, which is such a weird thing for me.  I have been successfully procrastinating homework today.  Haha, I need to give myself some credit because I am officially done with two (2!) finals.  And I'm trying to get enough gumption to study for the third, but I couldn't fall asleep until 1:30 in the morning last night (don't ask me why), and I'm exhausted.  But Mcom won't wait for anyone.  Ugh.

How you can tell that it's finals:
1. I have a half-eaten low-cal bag of popcorn nestled beside me on my bed.
2.  My nightstand has three hair things, one empty can of sparkling water, my water bottle, and a chocolate advent calendar that is woefully behind.
3.  I have been listening to my 'Weird Moment for Me' playlist on Spotify for dayyyyssssss.  It's a weird moment for me because it has Sam Hunt (who even listenings to country rap?  Apparently me.) and James Bay (an Anne recommendation.  Which is interesting, as always.  But have you listened to Need the Sun to Break?  Doooo it).
4.  I'm not sure why I'm not listening to a whole lot of Christmas music this season, but it comes on sporadically.  I kind of got exhausted feeling guilty for not listening to it 24/7, so I've forgiven myself and moved on.

That's about it on the home front.  Patience is wearing thing (and it's only Tuesday? So that's cool? haha, oh wow, folks, it's only Monday.  AWESOME!).

Anyway, the guilt to study is strong.  Here is to only three finals left.  Ugh.  That sounds like a lot.

xo. Elise

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