Sunday, December 20, 2015

Last Day of Teenagedom

Today is my last day as a teenager.  I don't think 13 year old Elise would have ever imagined this would be a thing.   20!  Does that seem ridiculously old to anyone else?  I can't quite wrap my mind around it.  Being 19 was a good year for me.  I feel like it was a year of preparation.  I could feel myself transitioning from being a teenager to being an adult.  In some ways that was really great.  I'm on that edge of being so excited to no longer be young and wishing I could stay the youngest forever.
Some cool things that happened during 2015: (side note: I absolutely love how my birthday and the new year are so close together.  I love it).

I had my first job this year, and I get a certain level of satisfaction every time I spend or save my own money.  Every time I pay rent, it's a little annoying because money is leaving, but there is something so satisfying about it as well.  I had an internship at a medical auditing company and had the chance to fly to Philadelphia by myself three times.  I stayed in a hotel by myself for the first time, and also ordered room service.  I hiked the Y for the first time, at midnight.  I did extremely well on a lot of projects and exams.  There are still some scores that I am really proud of because they showed a lot of effort on my part.  I lived at home all summer, which was really hard for me.  It felt like I was taking giant strides back, instead of growing forward.  I felt trapped with insecurities and bored with writing SQL.  But, I got to go on a lot of hikes with my parents.  I got to have a convenient canal in my backyard to run on.  I got to spend the 4th of July with Anne, and go to the lake.  I went to my first two concerts--Matt Kearney and Ingrid Michaelson.   I drove to Arizona and went on my first road trip with friends.  I moved myself out of my dorm.  I said goodbye to the rest of my friends, and I've learned saying goodbye takes some guts.  I made some really good friends, and I've learned to act like myself a little more.  When I think of some past interactions, I am proud.  I've stopped bending over backwards to get people to like me, and I've just gone with it.  I finished two more half marathons.  I read a lot of L.M. Montgomery.  I said goodbye to my childhood home and ward.  I took care of Anne over New Year's Eve...oh and helped when she had strep throat.  (note to self, cross nurse off of potential careers.  I'm horrible at it).   I wrote in my everyday journal more, but didn't do the best job of writing in other journals.  I realized that I really need to come up with a new way to push myself.  My goals were interesting this year.  I didn't have any that enthralled me.  I'm still thinking about what to do for next year.  This year was not one where I pushed myself, but I felt like everything else pushed me.  I read Better Than Before and Rising Strong, both books that got me thinking.  I wholeheartedly embraced being a questioner, and I am trying to do a better job of utilizing that part of my personality.  I worked hard in school this past semester.  I put in a lot of time, and for that I am really proud.  I spent more time with Anne than I have in a really long time. Anne and I took our first vacation together, by ourselves, which was really fun and interesting!  See what I mean?  There were so many things this year that pushed me and caused me to step up.   I awkwardly fell in love with a few of Sam Hunt's songs, realized I actually still liked One Direction, and listened to an embarrassing amount of Justin Bieber.  I said hello to a few old friends.  I learned to say no...or realized that I need to do a better job of saying no.  I made plans for a study abroad.  I began to schedule my day, hour by hour, minute by minute.  I did a better job of hosting parties and relaxing.  I stayed up later and got up earlier (I know, I know).  This was such a full year!  It didn't have the flashy appeal of 2014 (can we take a sec and appreciate 2014?).   But it was the type of year that feels good in your bones.

Sorry to have to 'summary' posts in a row, but I think recording stuff like this is really important.   At the very beginning of this year, when Anne was throwing up, and people were coming to look at our house, I remember being exhausted.  I felt that this was going to be a really good, but really hard year.  And I'm grateful that Heavenly Father taught me so many lessons in the way that I did.  I am so grateful for that.  I have really good feelings about this winter.  I feel good about my future plans and the future Elise.  It's going to be a good semester.

xo. Elise

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