Friday, April 15, 2016

Goal-setting and Current Status

I was thinking about my goals today.  The verbalized an the not so verbalized ones.  The ones I've thought about constantly and the ones that never seem to make it out of my mouth.  I got back from a run and hopped in the shower because I smelled like the outdoorsiest of the outdoors kid (you know, 5th grade boy back from recess smell?).

I started planning some new goals and routines I want to integrate back into my life.  And almost as quickly, I thought, nope, not right now.  This semester has been interesting for me because I have done more than survive, but not much more.  I've had a lot of fun, and it's been a good semester.  But a lot of my external goals have shifted.  I always thought I was the person who just had school together.  That was a foundation of mine, and yes it required work, but just enough.  Nope, not this semester.  This semester school was it.  It was the priority and it was all I could handle.

I'm not sure if it's the combination of my mental anxiety over school.  Or maybe it was the fact that I was working and balancing that with school.  Maybe it was because I am taking more difficult classes.  Maybe it's because I played more than I thought, or more than I should.  I don't really know. And to be honest, I don't really care.  I only have 4/6 classes to worry about left.  And after that, I'm home free for four months.

So, all of this is to say that sometimes goals shift and don't work out, but it's ok.  Because my goals that I thought were natural and foundational became more of a priority.  And that's ok.

xo. Elise

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