Thursday, April 14, 2016

Hard things.

Tomorrow is officialy the first day of finals.  And my first final is a religion final, which kind of stinks because I keep thinking, yeah cool, I've been a member of the Church my whole life.  I got this.  

My good grade in the class is also poor incentive to work hard.  

And yet today was a day that made me want to hyperventilate because of finals and stress and everything like that.  

I was walking home yesterday, and I wanted to cry out of relief.  I have made it through this semester.  I have a hard few days ahead, and I'm already exhausted, but I've made it.  And for that I am so grateful.  I DID THIS HARD THING, LOOK! 

This sophomore year man, it kicked my rear end.  And I am just so grateful that it's almost done.  Not with my roommates or the people in my life.  Or my apartment.  Or even my job.  But I'm grateful that the hard part is done.  I'm not sure how much longer I could have carried this weight.  I'm just grateful it's slowly being lifted as I continue to check things off of my list.  

I went to the temple today, it's been too long.  And I felt myself giving myself to God.  It's such a small thing.  And it's not a big deal, but I think that's part of it.  I can't give a lot, but today it felt like enough.  

So yes, I should be studying for a final.  Or at least getting some sleep.  But nay, instead I'm writing on my blog and procrastinating.  Like I always do around finals week.  Stay tuned for the most updated week of yo' life.  

xo. Elise 

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