Monday, August 29, 2016

Things I've Learned

What did I learn over this summer vacation?  

I learned that faith is one of the hardest things, but it's 100% worth it, every day.  I've learned that kebabs are delicious, especially when you have to run to catch the bus. I learned that Lake Como is not the deepest lake in the world.  I've learned that sometimes Italian pasta isn't that good, but good views make up for it.  I learned gelato is heaven in a cup, especially if you eat it at 10:30, 11:30, and 12:30.  I learned that sometimes you are just meant to be friends with people.  I've learned that leaving is hard, but coming back is harder.  I've learned that being quiet and observing the world is great for the position of a writer, but a poor strategy for someone at a business.  I've learned that Spotify really is worth the $5 a month.  I've learned that I need to take better care of myself.  I've learned that sometimes you can fall flat on your face and still get up, with a lot of people helping you.  I've learned a rush hour commute really does stink.  I've learned that sometimes people come into your life for only a little bit, and that's ok.  I've learned I struggle identifying myself as a runner, but I am someone who wants to run away from everything.  I've learned that Finland really is a day trip and London can get a little boring after your third visit.  I've learned I could happily live in a village that has more cows than people.  I've learned that sometimes you just can't have a good conversation with people.  Sometimes it just hurts too much.  I've learned I am old enough to master the Tube and the trains in Geneva.  I've learned I like to see the sky as much as possible.  I've learned that running in a new country is always worth the early wake up call.  I've learned that prison cells are sometimes there for a reason and difficult times really are just universities.  I've learned that missing something is ok, but living in the past is not ok.  I've learned that saying no and saying yes are two very important, very difficult skills.  I've learned that nobody's mad.  I've learned that there truly are gentlemen in the world.  I've learned that playing soccer is a great skill to have, and if you don't play soccer, travel with people that do.  I've learned that sometimes saying what you are thinking is the best way to go.  I've learned that praying hard and letting go is so important.  I've learned that some small acts are the biggest acts of service.  I've learned to share, and share everything.  I've learned to be more patient.  I've learned to sleep when my whoever I'm rooming with is snoring (why does everyone snore???)  I've learned to sleep on airplanes.  I've learned to stay awake for longer than is necessary.  I've learned that India will change you.  I've learned that tap water is a blessing and having a toilet bowl in the stall is a seriously underrated blessing.  I've learned I can do hard things.  And that good people just keep coming in my life.  

xo. Elise 

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