Sunday, December 11, 2016


My roommate and I have been sending texts back and forth that describe what stage we're in.

Some examples:

  1. "Finals weeks is actually kind of cool.  I mean, it’s an incredible adrenaline rush.  All you’re supposed to do is take tests and study”
  2. “I take back what I said.  Finals weeks is horrible and I hate it.”
  3. “Look at how cool I was this semester.  Taking good notes.  Finals aren’t bad”
  4. “Why didn’t I take better notes due this lecture?  Finals suck.”
  5. “Holy cow, how am I supposed to fit all of this in?
  6. “I chose the wrong major”
  7. “I’ve wanted to leave my house all day and now I have to and I hate it, ugh final”
  8. “Writing literally living the dream in my notebook.”
  9. “Wow this practice test when the professor is going through it so easy I could do this by myself for sure”

And as I sit here, I'm in the "really grateful to be here" stage. I've put in a lot of work this semester. And there were difficult days where I could gone the easy route and not studied or read. Yet, I'm sitting here at the end of my fifth semester. I read all of the books. I read the chapters. I bought the books. I prepared the questions. And I am so grateful that I had the resources, time, and support to do all of that. So many things I don't think twice about are big issues for some people. And I'm grateful. I'm grateful for who I've worked hard to become.

So yes, those stages are funny and oh so true, but at the end of the day, I'm just grateful to be living the dream another week.

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