Thursday, December 8, 2016

Things I've Learned Round V

I actually love these posts for several reasons.  One, it means I'm done with another semester.  Another hard semester is almost in the books. And yes, I had my traditional pomegranate yogurt in celebration.  When I was a peer mentor, reflection was highlighted as one of the most important parts of our job, and I love the chance this gives me to talk about exactly what I've learned throughout the semester.  The important lessons I've learned often get pushed aside for the principles of business law or economics.  Although those things are important, they aren't as important as the other lessons, you know about me and about life and what college really is about.  Enough with the cheesiness, but I'm feeling grateful right now for this chance to be living this.  And also grateful that in one week I will be in a hot tub in Huntsville.  

Anyway, back to thing good things I've learned.  Gosh, so many.  

I've learned that study abroad friends don't have to be like EFY friends.  It takes effort and texts and monthly dinners, but you can stay friends.  I've learned that my wallpapers are significantly cooler after my study abroad.  I've learned that Lucid is a cool company to work for (well, already know that, but now I work at the cool company).  I've learned that just because you thought you were in a comfortable place and had friends, doesn't mean those friends stick around.  I've learned that you can live somewhere and feel completely comfortable, yet still feel alone on a Sunday.  I've learned that I really like to eat yogurt every day.  I just do, and when it's been a while I crave it.  I learned that meal planning is actually really really hard, but it does help throughout the week.  I've learned Nikes are extremely comfortable.  I've learned that sometimes it's easier to live out of a suitcase.  I've learned that you can run two half marathons in a month and be utterly exhausted each time.  I've learned that Indian food still makes me go in panic mood a little bit, but I'm working on that.  I've been reminded that Pad Thai rocks.  I've learned that saying yes is sometimes a good thing.  I've learned that sometimes you feel very very lonely.  Like you are the only one who remembers you exist.  But God is still there and he still sends you people on the hard days.  I've learned I'm a good friend, and I do a good job watching out for people.  I've learned that I still don't know how to be in a group project.  I've learned that sometimes people disappoint you.  And by sometimes I mean a lot.  But I've also learned that if you do your part and do your best, you can develop little baby reputations in your circles of influence.  I've learned I like stopping in to say hi to Alesha in the YServe office.  I've learned I always laugh when Laura sees me in the Tanner, but I don't see her, so she leaves me funny voicemails.  I've learned that going to the temple every week is possible.  I've learned that having the answers doesn't have to be my constant state of life.  I don't need to know everything, even if I've begged.  I've learned that even getting a first round interview is impressive.  I've learned that people keep bringing it up.  I've learned that when you do what needs to get done, you can accomplish a lot.  I've learned that now is a time for new goals and good feelings.  I've learned that through it all, I can feel utterly like myself, full of goals and zest and life.  I've learned that sometimes situations don't make sense, and you can't help but ask why.  I've learned that crying....a lot.  About hard and difficult things is ok.  I've learned that going on a drive is sometimes exactly what I need.  I've learned that you sometimes think people will completely influence your life, but they turn out to be just a passing phase.  I've learned that sometimes your hard work isn't enough and you're stuck stressing.  I've learned that being a good, basic human being is sometimes enough and that's ok.  I've learned to lose friends and to gain friends and to be ok with seeing people in a different light.  I've learned that sometimes you have to say it's ok.  I've learned that you can live with people for an entire semester, but still feel like they are new in your house.  

And I've learned God is still there.  Yep, still there many many times over.  And for that I say hallelujah.  

xo. Elise 

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