Thursday, April 6, 2017

Only a slight trace of bitterness, whoops

I was on my run today and just felt like I have been living on repeat.  I eat the same food, wear the same clothes, sit in the same places, run the same route, do my hair the same way, see the same people, listen to the same songs, and miss the same things.

I'm tired of always just being here.  Right here.  And I'm terrified for my life after college where my life doesn't change every semester.  I'm worried about permanently being stuck in a routine, always wondering when I'm going to have 'permission' to actually do something.  Being in college is a weird trap between complete and total independence and then being a slave to paper deadlines.

And no, I didn't just spend ten minutes finding $500 plane tickets to Paris at the end of April.

*eye roll*

But hey no big deal only four more papers left to write and two presentations plus five finals.

Totally in the prime of my life with the most amount of fun, amiright?

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