Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Things I've Learned: Round VI (probably)

I went to the Creamery to specifically buy pomegranate yogurt as my last day of finals tradition, but they were out, so I had to settle for mango yogurt.  Regardless, happy last day of classes!

To be quite frank, I'm not sure I would want to relive this past semester.  This has been an extremely difficult semester in a lot of different, unexpected ways.  Usually the semester flies by, but this one seemed to crawl.  When I think back to January, that seems a lifetime ago, not just four months ago.  It was hard. And filled with a lot of not as fun stuff.  But, I've been ruminating on everything I learned, and wow, it's a lot.

I've learned that tax refunds are awesome (annual reminder).  I've learned that passing on good songs make it seem like you have good music taste.  I've learned that Reese's eggs really are the best.  I've learned that coconut yogurt really is something I could have every day for breakfast.  I've learned that sometimes people let you down.  In a lot of little ways that don't seem like a big deal until you cry about it.  I learned that finding a bridesmaid dress is actually really hard.  I've learned that sometimes signing up for a half marathon just isn't a good idea.  I've learned that Cafe Rio is always good, whether it's eaten alone in the car or at a dinner with friends. I've learned that surviving from Diet Coke to Diet Coke is actually a thing in my life.  I've learned that McDonalds runs are a thing.  I've learned that being sick is awful, awful, awful.  I've learned to go to the emergency room, lols.  I've learned about having an allergic reaction...again.  I've learned that some case competitions just aren't worth it, but other ones are awesome and you get a really cool jacket.  I've learned that saying no is difficult.  Like, extremely difficult.  I've learned that sometimes people are there to hold your hand when you need it and other people give you a week off of work when you need it.  I've learned what it's like to miss class.  I've learned what it's like to live with a completely different lifestyle then I'm used to, and I've learned I don't necessarily handle it well, whoops.  I've learned that everything changes, even when you don't think there is any possible way it could change.  I've learned that planning a wedding is actually very stressful, or so it seems as I've listened in.  I've learned how to throw a classy bridal shower <-- yep I'm that old.  I've learned how to lie my face off and tell people how unreservedly happy I am for them.  I've learned what it's like to be dependable, even when the ROI isn't very high.  I've learned that sometimes people are just really, really nice.  I've learned that trip to Goblin Valley is sometimes what is needed for the soul.  I've learned to rent a car and figure out housing all on my own, and plan my first vacation.  I've learned that being by yourself isn't something to be ashamed of, but there are so many nuances that I don't anticipate when I'm alone.  I've learned that sometimes catching up with high school people is a lot of fun.  I've learned I can survive a 2.5 hour class.  I've learned to give up on 'arriving' because I don't want to be going where a lot of my classmates are going.  I've learned that God is in my corner and that being hopeful is a lot harder than I realized.  I've realized that people are resilient, and that I'm resilient.  I've come to understand why buying things for the birthday box is addicting.  I've learned to go on a loooooootttttt of blind dates.  I've learned to be more honest in my interactions.  I've learned to just wear Nikes, you won't regret it.  I've learned that some days are just hard, but there is always enough manna to live off of.  I've learned that the future doesn't have to be fully answered...yet.

That's all for now.  But gosh.  This semester was a doozy.

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