Thursday, June 8, 2017

On Today's Round... *applause*

Today I realized that I have started playing the game of comparing blessings.

I wouldn't recommend this game because you usually lose.  Sometimes in the short run, you win i.e. traveling the world for five weeks.  But in the long run, you lose because eventually you come home and real life starts and you realize that your short run on top of the comparing blessings game came to a close.

But in today's round of *Compare your Blessings,* it felt like I lost.  I was so grateful that my prayers were answered and the work day went quickly.  So grateful because I couldn't have done another day like yesterday.

But then you compare my blessing of a quick work day with someone else celebrating their one month wedding anniversary, and I seem to come up lacking.

And it's interesting to me that Heavenly Father looks down at this thought process in surprise.  I know He's intrigued with how I feel an incessant and compulsive need to measure everything.  I am sure it's a strange concept to Him why I insist on comparing my life story with someone else's life story.

But I do and here I am, leaving the game wondering why I seem to be the loser.

And you know?  I'm grateful for the tiny wins that I have daily, even if it seems like I'm losing the round.  Those tender mercies sustain me and I need that sustenance.

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