Friday, August 11, 2017


This felt a little forced at times, but it mostly felt really good to write.  

2017 has been the best year of my life. I got an excuse to skip class for the first time when I was sick.  I took third in the biggest case competition and got a really cool jacket.  I put a ton of work into it, and felt like I really made progress since last year.  I had a fantastic 21st birthday party, thrown by some of my closest friends and attended by so many good people in my life.  I went on a lot of really fun and creative dates where the guys were excited to talk with me and had put effort forth into planning the date.  I went to Goblin Valley on a whim, which was so much fun and so needed.  I had really interesting classes and group work that pushed me to learn how to work with others and learn from others.  My professors assigned interesting readings, and I truly felt their passion for the subject.  I got to see one of my best friends get engaged to a guy she truly loves, and another one of my friends started dating someone she had a crush on for a while.  Another one of my friends got the internship of her dreams.  I got the chance to celebrate with a lot of different people about a lot of really awesome things that were happening in their lives.  I got to see a lot of different family members and have really good conversations with them.  I accepted in an internship in a location that pushed me and that gave me a summer adventure.  I got to see a lot of the East Coast, while strengthening a lot of relationships with old friends and family.  I got to work for a skills-specific company that gave me a lot of new skills and forced me to adapt and learn quickly.  I got to work with a lot of dynamic and creative people who had completely different backgrounds than me and who taught me a lot. I’ve had a lot of really deep, and sometimes difficult conversations with people, but they have gone well and I have gained confidence in my ability to convey my feelings and promptings.  I got to train for a new half marathon and support my friend in her first race.  I was able to try a lot of different food and push myself creatively to shop a little smarter.  I had my first spring break in college! I earned money doing meaningful work that contributed to the overall company goals.  I ended the semester with really good grades and a solid resume heading into the full-time recruiting season.  I applied and interviewed for a club leadership position, a position I wanted and am excited about as the school year starts.  I had the chance to bear my testimony and feel the Spirit that comes with that.  I had the chance to record daily tender mercies and see the fulfillment of God’s promises to me.  I got to eat a lot of really good yogurt and found some awesome new music.  I attended the concert of one of my favorite bands, and it definitely lived up to expectations.  I was able to be a bridesmaid in one of my best friends weddings and celebrate her new life.  I moved out of an apartment I loved, and I will move into an apartment I’m actually really excited about.  I went to the temple nearly every week during the school year.  I have learned about several new opportunities in areas that are really exciting to me, and I’m excited to see where they lead.  I learned that some of the cousins I’m closest to are attending BYU or moving to Utah. A couple of my really close friends are going to be back at BYU from the fall, and I’m excited to see them again and catch up from the past couple of years.  I’ve eaten a lot of great food that reminds me that there is so much out there.  I’ve traveled a lot this summer, sometimes by myself and sometimes with people who I absolutely love spending time with.  I’ve gained a lot of adult skills that I didn’t anticipate, but for which I’m really grateful for because I feel more comfortable heading into unknown situations.  I’ve read some really good books from some of my favorite authors, as well as some books that have caused me to rethink some goals and how I want to accomplish them.  I’ve started studying and preparing for the LSAT, a goal that is a little more vulnerable and a little scarier, but it feels really good.  I’ve lived in three different apartments, and each time everything worked out with keys, moving in, and moving out.  I’ve attended different wards and been reminded that the Church is the support system you truly need wherever you go in the world.  I’ve had the opportunity to learn more of what God needs me to be, in ways that I couldn’t have predicted for myself.  I’ve thrown parties for my friends when they’re happy, and I’ve comforted my friend on one of the hardest nights she’s had in a while.  I’ve stood by my opinion, and have felt the confidence and respect that comes.  I’ve bought some really cute clothes that I like and that I feel comfortable in.  I have lifted weights a little bit more, and relished in both the familiarity and the challenge that area of fitness brings.  I have written in my journal and prayed a lot to hear what God has to tell me.

So, yep, I’ve had the best year of my life.  The second half has some pretty high expectations. 

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