Monday, November 20, 2017

With a big S

I've been waiting for the past year for someone to save me.  Someone to save me from loneliness.  Someone to come in and be the answer to all of my questions.  Someone to make choosing the next steps a little easier.  A little simpler.  Someone to make it so I didn't have to figure this all out on my own...again...and again. 

I never wanted to be saved like Rapunzel, yet here I am, still trying to grow out my hair. 

I realized throughout all of this, I was looking for a savior, when I really should have been looking towards my Savior.  I already have someone who is so willing to go through the paces, figure out the difficult things, cry with me, answer my questions, bring me peace, help me feel guided. 

There isn't anyone or anything out there that is going to save me from the hard decisions, I recognize that now.  I can't avoid real life and real decisions.  But having the reminder to rely on my Savior is an important one I aways forget. 

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