Monday, December 18, 2017

And then there was one...

I actually feel really good about my final today.  So I'm not going to check the score until after my birthday because why ruin a good feeling. 

This week is full of lasts and full of people who I want to see before I leave and full of stress, hoping I can fit everything into my car when I drive away.

In any case, I am feeling a smidge better about my future.  About the whole leaving thing.  About the whole new definition of Elise thing.  I have been thinking and praying a lot about timing in life, and what it means for me.  I still feel very much like the sophomore who was working so incredibly hard to get into the strategy program.  And here I am, almost a successful graduate.  The past couple of years flew by, yet crawled? 

And now I'm leaving for Spain in 22 days (WOW).  And I have one final left. 

In any case, I'm happy right now.  And it feels like such a stark contrast when I wasn't sure I was going to feel happy in a really long time. 

xo. Elise

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