Today has, wow, been a day. Honestly, I wouldn't have wanted my last day as an undergrad to be any different. I went to my strategy class, hung out with my strategy friends all day, saw my mom, went finals snack shopping with Alesha. I felt like I belonged in the strategy program. People were so nice. People are so nice. And honestly? BYU is so much better than I could have ever planned. And that is saying something because I planned everything out and had such great plans. My dreams have honestly been exceeded. But onto the things I've learned, because it's been a good semester.
I've learned that the LSAT is something you actually really need to study for. I've learned Communal and Black Sheep Cafe are delicious, but even better when someone else is paying for them. I've learned that sometimes you do cry in the temple parking lot, and that sometimes things hurt deeply, no way to minimize that. I've learned that sometimes people are just rude, even when you try your best to do exactly what they want. I've learned that even though you may have been accepted into the strategy program and you are all seniors, doesn't mean that your group is going to be good. I've learned that I am someone who is to be reckoned with, a feeling that I still hesitate to own, but I want to do a better job owning that. I've learned that some people are so welcoming, it makes me want to cry. I've learned you can make friends out of people you didn't used to like, or rather, know very well. I've learned that you can sometimes make a lot of plans, really good plans, but things don't always work out. I've learned that God is very different than I thought. I always thought it was easy to live the Gospel, but I'm learning it takes a lot more work than people seem to have told me. I've learned being grateful is a good place to be. I've learned that being obnoxiously faithful is important. I've learned that some people just sync with what you know and that is a good place to be. You can talk forever and all be on the same wavelength. I've learned that you really have to work hard on friendships. I've learned that some people are worth keeping in your life, and other people it's ok to keep them a little farther away. I've learned that doing two half marathons really isn't a good idea, but guess what? I'll probably do it again next year. I've learned that there are really small reasons to be ok with a decision, and sometimes those small decisions actually make the biggest difference. I've learned what it feels like to be fragile. I've learned what it's like to visit my mom and see her on campus three times a week. I've learned what it's like to have a Christmas tree up since October. I've learned that sleep, although shouldn't be optional, can definitely be limited. I've learned that leggings are really great to wear, honestly. I've learned a jean jacket is a good investment for me. I've learned that there might be a life after school, which completely freaks me out. I've realized that God is so much merciful than I give Him credit for. I've learned my hair does grow long and fast. I've learned that you can recover from a really bitter, small, scared, exhausted state and be happy. I've learned that you need to surround yourself with people who remind you to play and to laugh. I've learned that Cafe Rio is great and Swig is a necessary. I've learned four group projects are the worst, but if you can, be in a group with all accountants. I've learned that just because you don't get the job, doesn't mean that you are not enough. I've learned that sometimes you make the best plans, but it's still scary and you still can dread, but you also are feeling more faith than you have in a long time.
Gosh, I have so loved these past three years.
xo. Elise
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