Saturday, January 13, 2018

Actually Moving

An interesting thing with an 8 hour time difference is that you have to plan your emotional breakdowns and time it correctly with when people are awake in America.  Because right now, I kind of want to have a freak out, but no one is awake, so I'm going to wait until people are awake and then I can start crying. 

Only kind of kidding?  I guess heading into this adventure,  I didn't realize that this semester will entail eating in a cafeteria, sleeping in a dorm, and actually  living here.  I mean, I knew that, but I didn't realize.  And honestly, it's a little weird.  I can't think about my typical Saturday routine right now, or else it will make me even more homesick. 

But, I've also done stuff like this enough to remember that eventually this will feel normal.  It will feel like home.  And I'll figure it all out.  Ugh, but moving kind of stinks.

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