Saturday, February 24, 2018


I was looking at how long my hair has grown, and I think it is almost back to where it was when I cut it last February.  I remember I had take a selfie on that day, so I went back to my camera roll.

Last winter was hard and this picture was taken when I felt so fragile.  I learned after this season that waking up happy is something that isn't always constant.  It still feels like such a blessing when I wake up and feel joy. 
I looked at this picture I took yesterday, and I am really proud of myself.  I didn't handle myself perfectly last Winter semester, and there are so many things I wish I could change.  I wish I could just dump buckets of grace on myself and give myself a hug.  And maybe send myself a text saying that it was going to be ok.  I have a sense of fighting for this woman in the mirror.  I worked so hard to be her.  I worked hard to maintain my testimony, my sense of happiness, and my hope for the future.  I'm really proud of who I am.  A year ago, I didn't even really like myself.  There are still so many things I need to work on, but I am so grateful for the grace of God.  I put in all of the effort I could last winter, and God has overtaken everything else and made it spectacular.  By myself, it was mediocre at best.  My current life is just a miracle. 

xo. Elise

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