Saturday, February 24, 2018

Missing + Liking

-Cafe Rio, always
-Having an actual apartment with a living room and more than one desk chair to sit on
-Normal Diet Coke
-Sandwiches from Kneaders or Zupas
-Knowing what way is north
-Being able to call anyone I love when ever I want, regardless of the time difference
-Being able to text anyone whenever, regardless of whether I have wifi

-Spanish Netflix options.  Oh yeah.
-Walking to the grocery store.  It's just pleasant.
-The treadmills here. I could wax poetic about those treadmills in kilometers (so fast! so far!)
-Chocolate and churros.  Wow. 
-Not having to cook.  See also under: missing
-The warm weather.  Snow seems so exhausting.
-Bread is so good here.  Oh and oranges.  Yes.
-The public transportation system is so excellent
-Going to museums.  I really like museums. 

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