Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Regular Happy

I realized today that I had a lot of regular happy moments today.  I feel pressure to be BIG EXCITING HAPPY often.  Living in a foreign country on a study abroad has a lot of interesting moments, and that pressure is something I didn't really expect.  I'm living a normal, real life here.  A life with more school than I expected.  And to be honest, more Netflix.  I still feel pressure to live an 'Instagram-worthy' life every day, but I am pretty happy these days, so I'm just going to go with that and be ok with it. 

Regular happy things in my life: 
-Milka Oreo bars.  I have a real problem, I will fully admit it.  You can even get them in the states, but man, here they are so much cheaper and SO GOOD. 
-The fact that Spanish hot chocolate is really like hot fudge.  The best. 
-Sharing a bench with a little old lady today. 
-The treadmills in the gym that measure everything in kilometers so I feel like I'm going faster and farther.
-Walking back from class.  Such a simple thing, but I some of the strongest memories I have of college is walking back from class.  And I like it. 
-Wearing clogs to class.  Oh and French-braiding my hair the night before.  Oh and having my hair grow long again. 
-My roommate and I deciding what movies we watch every day and talking about them. 
-Chatting over meals with everyone on our study abroad.  Interesting because I haven't eaten dinner with people on a regular basis in a really long time.  
-My mostly daily walks.  I just like wandering.  

xo. Elise 

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