Friday, February 9, 2018

Dumb Dictionary

I am so freaking tired of defining myself by my weaknesses.  I am surrounded, for the first time in a while, by people who could care less about business or about internships or about jobs.  Most of them are several normal years younger than me, and what sometimes feels about a billion college years younger than me.  In general, I see these glamorous, creative people.   They are everywhere.  It is an honor and a badge to be creative, to be critical, to be hip, to have good eyebrows.  Like what?  I barely know how to put on normal eyeliner, let alone use a brow pencil.  And I already have dark eyebrows, so what?  I have put more insecure thought into my eyebrows than I would like to admit. 

I remember when I was younger, whenever I would picture myself as an entity, I would picture myself dancing.  I'm not sure why, but that's just the image I had of myself.  Now when I picture myself, I see someone who is strict, maybe her hair pulled back into a tight bun?  Definitely in a pencil skirt, probably with some papers in her hand about this quarter's numbers. 

For the record, I have never looked like that in my entire life, so I'm not sure what that's what I picture. 

But that's not who I am.  Yeah, I studied business.  Yeah, I can be hopelessly efficient.  I sometimes use cost-benefit analysis to make too many decisions, and I know that I can overanalyze everything, much to the annoyance of everyone around me who has already made the decision and has moved on. 

I am also a lot of fun.  I am comfortable talking with people.  I can dance with abandon, and I am a witty conversationalist.  I can think of great puns.  I have pretty good style.  I understand how to phrase things.  I am a fun person.  I don't shy away from celebrating anything, even if it's a random Wednesday afternoon and we are all tired. 

I have written an entire dictionary of bad definitions of myself.  And I'm not doing that anymore. 

xo. Elise

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