Monday, March 12, 2018

Slowing Down

Strange, isn't it?  I have three weeks left, yet I feel like my time in Spain is already done.  I was thinking about this season of's been so good.  In a very quiet, but beautiful way.  It's not what I expected, and I'm still not sure how to process everything, but it's been good.

We are coming down to the finish line, realizing that we will only go into Madrid a couple of more times.  We are stressed with final projects and final exams.  I am worried about getting everything done, and let's not mention those shots I have to get on Thursday.

But throughout it all, I am grateful for these three months.  I wasn't sure I wanted them, back in January.  I wasn't sure I would be ok.  11.5 weeks seemed like a long time.  It still seems like a long time.  But I am happy to be still walking around this little town I really like and having the small routines that have made it just a good time.

When you say 'study abroad in Spain' I pictured a lot more beaches, warmer weather, and more colors?  Instead I got the nicest Spanish teachers, a new city to love, and a peace I didn't know I needed.

xo. Elise

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