Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Trees + Forests

I had two Spanish presentations today, and do you know how incredible that is?  Literally two months ago, I could barely say ten words in Spanish.  And today I talked for twenty minutes in Spanish.  It is so hard to be content with the progress I've made because honestly, it always feels like I could do more...be more...know more!  I get frustrated with the things I forget and more annoyed with the things I don't know.  I reminded myself to take a step back from all of trees today and remember the forest.  My progress has been nothing short of miraculous, and I am not embarrassed to say that I am ridiculously proud of that.

I now see Madrid popping up everywhere these days.  Every company, every post, every thing seems to direct to Madrid, and oh my heart.  I love this city in a way that I didn't anticipate and didn't know I could love.  There is something sacred about it, in a way that is simple.  I have other cities and other loves, but sometimes it is for complicated reasons and deeply personal ways that I can't articulate.  But I flat out love Madrid for the simplicity of it's beauty.

Yesterday I was incredibly stressed and today I am feeling a little under the weather, but oh so happy to be here in this moment of life.  I have a few weeks left, and I am simultaneously never wanting to leave and wanting to be home right this minute.

xo. Elise

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