Sunday, April 22, 2018

Just a Taste

I am in the airport, a moment that I wasn't sure was ever going to come.  The past two weeks have been straight-up overwhelming for so many reasons.

But I'm sitting here, listening to music and actually having websites load.  !!!!  It's just a taste of my normal life, but wow, it feels good.

I am a little scared to go home.  Scared because I feel like I have learned so much here, and plunging right back into real life is scary.

I am not going to lie and say that the past two weeks have been easy, or that I handled them well.  I am fairly sure that I freaked my sister out often with all of my complaining (sorry Anne!).  But at the end of the day, I am so glad that I came.  I was ready to come home before I even left, but if I didn't come, I wouldn't have known or learned so many valuable lessons.  I am so grateful for that.

Now I am just sounding like a broken record but Wi-Fi is great!  Music is great!  Life is great!

But honestly, the best part of this entire trip was how close God was to me.  I felt Him in ways I haven't in a really long time.  I needed Him on this trip.  I was scared a lot of the time to be honest.  I just would pray and pray and pray for whatever I needed.  And He always answered.  I understand the temptation people feel to leave real life and come to a country like Uganda where God is palpable.  It's easy to talk to Him when your wifi doesn't work or you don't even know how to strike up a conversation with the people next to you.  Or you are driving for hours around the city.

I have struggled with faith off and on for a while now.  I am clinging so tightly to my plan and my decisions and my choices that it's scary to open my hands and let God guide me.  I have learned on this trip that it is ok.  He is an omnipresent Being, eternal and faithful and merciful.

xo. Elise

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